Mayor Ford releases political hit list on YouTube show

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford released his political hit list during the second episode of Ford Nation — the YouTube show he co-hosts with his brother, Coun. Doug Ford.

Saying he’s ready for an election war, Ford released his top 10 list of councillors that he wants to see toppled in the October election, and rallied those who share his political leanings to run against them.

“These people have gone out of their way to ruin Toronto, increase taxes, strip me of my powers…and I’ve had enough of it. They wanted the war and they are going to get the war.”


“If you want to run, please register and we will help you in any way we can to run your campaign and guide you down the right path,” the mayor said.

Ford’s list consisted of:

• Gord Perks
• Janet Davis
• Adam Vaughan
• Joe Mihevc
• Sarah Doucette
• Shelley Carroll
• Glenn De Baeremaeker
• Mike Layton,
• Kristyn Wong-Tam
• Paul Ainslie

Doug Ford kicked off his own participation in the show by berating the local media.

“We have a biased media…the people out there are smarter than the media,” he said.


Both brothers reconfirmed their commitment to subways in Toronto and said the city should be seeking private sector funding instead of leaning on tax increases to pay for the costly projects.

“The next campaign will be fought on subways,” the mayor said, before chiding former TTC chair Karen Stintz for “flip-flopping” her support from LRTs to subways.

Stintz has confirmed she’ll run for mayor in the next election.

Ford also took aim at council for their numerous freebies, like complimentary zoo, city golf course and Metropasses.

“Is that fair how councillors make $110,000 a year, but on top of this they get all of this for free when the average hard working citizen has to pay? No.”


“This is wrong. It should be eliminated. I’ve tried to get it eliminated and they (council) said no.”

Doug Ford then chimed in: “We believe we are working for the people and they believe the people are working for them. That’s the sense of entitlement.”

When discussing the recent budget, Mayor Ford stressed that he tried to save $60 million, but was continually thwarted by council’s spendthrifts.

He took specific aim at council’s refusal to back his motion to save $7 million by not planting nearly 100,000 new trees.

“Would you rather have your road paved, or plant 97,000 new trees?”


The show concluded with the brothers fielding questions and comments from the public. Mary from Scarborough said her son is gay, and that the mayor should support all Torontonians and stand behind the flying of the Pride flag at city hall.

“This is not about your sexual preference,” the mayor countered. “I support our athletes…and there’s no reason why I see we should be putting up the Pride flag during the Olympics.

“I am not homophobic. I will go to anyone’s place to help them out. I take offence when people say that to me. This is Canada. Our Canadian flag should be up there, not the Pride flag.”

His brother added: “When you have an issue and call the mayor’s office, he doesn’t ask if you are gay, your son’s gay or straight.”

Doug said he attended a Pride parade once with his children but will never go again because of rampant nudity.


“Don’t come back and try to bully the people who don’t show up and call them homophobic. Because there’s a tremendous amount of people that respect the gay community but just aren’t into to going down to the Pride parade and it’s as simple as that.”