Opinion: Proof positive: Russell Westbrook is an alien

Russell Westbrook is an alien, and I for one welcome him as our eventual overlord.

I know this sounds crazy but stick with me…

The dots started connecting after 680 NEWS’ Richard Southern tweeted out this article yesterday.


I’d suggest you put on the X-Files theme song and give it a quick read…

So aliens exist. Cool.

I choose to imagine when they all arrive it will be these guys:


And not THIS guy…


Either way, I’m psyched.

But are we absolutely sure they’re not already here?

How else do you explain Russell Westbrook:

The guy isn’t human.

He’s the USS Beastbrook, flying in at warp speed and crash landing in a glorious inferno.


And those are just two examples from this month!

He’s a man on a mission that is clearly out of this world.

Even with an OKC roster revamp that’s had a lot of growing pains, the reigning MVP is still hovering around a triple/double average on the year. Again. NBD.

If his stunts on the hardwood aren’t convincing enough, have you seen his getups?



Russ’s fashion sense is a million light-years ahead of us mere mortals.

He’s not even trying to hide his true identity at this point.

Plus, if they ever went through with making ‘Space Jam 2’, Russ would lead the Monstar’s.

Absolute no-brainer.


Right at home with his alien brethren.

Back in February the New York Times wrote an 8,000 word cover story titled ‘The Misunderstood Genius of Russell Westbrook’.

There’s nothing misunderstood here. He’s a genius, because he’s an alien from another planet.

One of his strange habits is starting the Thunder’s layup lines at the exact same time before every game.



Not a second before. Not a second after.

I haven’t watched enough alien movies to figure out what that means yet, but it’s something…(if you have any thoughts, I’m all ears).

But I do know one thing.

Russell Westbrook = Alien because…