Tourism Minister Melanie Joly postpones trip to China

By The Canadian Press

Tourism Minister Melanie Joly’s office says Canada and China have mutually agreed to postpone a closing ceremony next week to mark a year of tourism between the two countries.

Joly’s spokesperson Jeremy Ghio says both governments agreed the decision will allow the countries to better achieve “shared objectives” but it did not provide specifics.

The move comes amid tension between the two countries over the detention of two Canadians in China as well as the recent arrest of a top executive at Chinese tech giant Huawei in Canada.

Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver at the request of U.S. authorities, and was released this week on $10-million bail.

The Chinese embassy in Ottawa loudly protested Meng’s arrest as a violation of her human rights.

Canadian entrepreneur Michael Spavor and former diplomat Michael Kovrig were detained this week in Beijing on suspicion of “engaging in activities that endanger the national security” of China.

Here is the statement from her office:

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