City issues 2nd extreme cold weather alert in under a week

The City of Toronto has issued another extreme cold weather alert, the second this week as the windchill is expected to hit -17 overnight.

680 NEWS meteorologist Jill Taylor said the temperature will be -10 C in the GTA as you wake up Saturday morning, but will get up to a high of -3 C. The city could see a few flurries Friday evening.

The alert activates services designed to get vulnerable residents inside. The city said it will open a warming centre downtown at Metro Hall at 7 p.m.


This alert comes after the city broke two temperature records earlier this week.

Taylor said at 2 a.m., the temperature without the windchill at Pearson airport hit -11.2 C, which beat the record of -9.6 C set in 1986.

The region also broke a temperature record of -7.9 C on Tuesday, surpassing the -7.8 C record set in 1937.

The lowest recorded temperature for Nov. 16 was set back in 1938 at -11.8 C.