Outdoor skating season kicks off in Toronto

Yet another sign things are returning to normal — outdoor winter activities are making a come back to the city in a big way.

Mayor John Tory officially kicked off the outdoor skating season in Toronto on Saturday, appearing at McCowan District Park

“Our outdoor skating rinks have always been a place for residents to get outside, experience our city and the winter months,” said Tory.


“I know residents look forward to skating outside every winter. I am happy that we are able to open up 38 rinks across our city today and can provide this safe outdoor activity for families. I encourage residents to get outside this winter and enjoy all that our city has to offer.”


This year, you won’t have to scramble to book a family skate.  Last year rink times filled up quickly — leaving many kids disappointed.

According to the City of Toronto website, masks won’t be required while on the ice and there will be no capacity limits.

Most outdoor rinks are now open with another 12 opening up next week on Dec. 4.

The rinks will be open from 9 am to 10 pm daily, with some reduced hours on holidays.



Notably for the hockey community, shinny will be available after being benched last year due to COVID-19 concerns.

City of Toronto staff will also be helping to put in natural ice rinks in local communities and neighbourhoods.  Last year, city workers built and maintained about 40 natural ice rinks.  Applications for these rinks are open until Dec. 31.

Cavalcade of Lights also kicks off on Saturday night at Nathan Phillips Square with a month-long display of lighting installations and decorations until Jan. 2.

Other big winter activities returning for the 2021-2022 season, include  skiing and tobogganing.

Earls Bales Park and Centennial Park ski and snowboard centers will be open for business on Jan. 1 right through to March — weather permitting.