New spaces open at Oxford House Morning Star Rising Sun Indigenous Healing Home

Posted August 25, 2023 5:02 pm.
The Government of Alberta has announced additional spaces have opened at the Oxford House Morning Star Rising Sun Indigenous Healing Home.
The centre was made to help members from Indigenous communities in Treaty 6 and Treaty 7 territories get access to cultural supports to recover from addiction.
“Homelessness and addiction are both issues disproportionately affecting the Indigenous community. The Morning Star Rising Sun Healing Home will not only provide housing and employment supports but a space that will allow Indigenous people to reconnect with their culture while recovering from addiction,” said Jason Nixon, Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services.
The additional $88,000 Civil Society Grant will allow for 25 new spaces to open in the centre.
It also adds to the $1.8 million investment by the province to the Oxford House for pre-treatment housing spaces.
“Housing that supports recovery is essential to the Alberta model. Oxford House is a trusted partner in addiction treatment, and these new spaces will help more Indigenous people access culturally safe services to support their recovery from the deadly disease of addiction,” said Dan Williams, Minister of Mental Health and Addiction.
Services at the centre will include ceremonies, Elder sharing and healing circles, sweat lodges, house-naming ceremonies and annual feasts.