OSC board extends Grant Vingoe’s term as the regulator’s chief executive

By The Canadian Press

TORONTO — The board of directors at the Ontario Securities Commission has extended Grant Vingoe’s term as chief executive officer for five years.

Vingoe was both chair and CEO of the OSC before the roles were separated in April 2022 and has served as CEO since the split.

The extension will see him remain in the CEO job until Dec. 31, 2029.

The move to extend his term comes as the Ontario securities regulator works on a new strategic plan for the organization that will map out its direction for the next six years.

The regulator is expected to publish the plan this spring.

OSC board chair Kevan Cowan says the regulator is well positioned with Vingoe at the helm to navigate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, and deliver results for Ontario under the new strategic plan.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 6, 2024.

The Canadian Press

Note to readers: This is a corrected story. An earlier version incorrectly stated the new expiry date for Vingoe’s term as CEO.

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