Four-Year-Old Rescues Mom With 911 Call

Around this time of year, children become obsessed with numbers.   They dream about the number of toys they’ll get, and continually count down the number of days until Christmas.  

But for 4-year-old Michael Higgs, the happiest time of year could have become one of unfathomable sorrow had the little boy not recalled the three numbers that ultimately saved his mother’s life – 911.  

The heartwarming story began when Lynn Higgs headed outside to shovel snow following a brush with old man winter in Penetanguishene.

“I wanted to shovel the driveway and I only did a little bit and I started coughing, and I felt shortness of breath and I fell to the ground,” she recalls.  

Lynn was having a severe asthma attack, the kind that can instill panic in young and old alike.  But Michael kept his cool and quickly sprung into action.  He recalled his parents’ valuable lesson about what to do in the event of an emergency, and responded by dialing the crucial digits. 

Help arrived moments later.   

“I saved mommy,” he boasts.   “I think I am (a hero).”

Michael not only made the life-saving call, but told the operator all of the pertinent information about his mother, and even included directions to their home.

Cst. Brigette Laurin was one of the first on the scene.  

“As I came up the driveway, he was yelling at me that his mommy’s hurt,” she recalled.   “She needs help. This little guy Michael said her medicine is in the front pocket of her purse. So I went to the front pocket of the purse, gave her the medicine, and then the ambulance arrived very shortly thereafter.”

Michael’s quick thinking was the best Christmas present his mom could envision.  

“There are no words to describe how proud I am for him,” she said.  

What to tell your kids about 911

Cops know there’s a fine line between telling your kids about the dangers in the world and preserving their innocence. But there are ways you can walk that line while preparing them for the worst. Here’s what they suggest.

The Number

It seems like a no-brainer for adults, the infamous Homer Simpson line “Operator, what’s the number for 911?” notwithstanding. But cops say it’s important to emphasize the number as ‘nine-one-one’ not ‘nine-eleven’, since it’s possible young children could be confused and look for the number “11”   on a keypad.

When To Call

911 is not for prank calls and it’s not for things any parent can answer. Instill into your kids that it’s only when someone is really in trouble or they think they’re in danger that they should call. If they’re scared or lonely, they should come to you or a guardian – not the 911 operator.

Among the times they should call:

  • If someone is very ill
  • If someone faints
  • If there’s a fire or flood
  • If an intruder tries to or does breaks into the house.
  • If mommy or daddy ‘won’t wake up.’

Give Them Permission

Kids follow rules. Make sure you remind them it’s O.K. to dial the digits if someone’s really sick or in trouble. And make sure they know they don’t have to call from their home phone. 911 will work free from any payphone, a cell or a trusted neighbour’s house. Also ensure they know to follow the operator’s directions exactly and to listen to what they have to say. That can reduce panic at a key time.

Keep What They Need

Here’s a list of what you should have handy by your phone or know how to do if your child ever needs to call 911:

  • The full names of everyone in your family
  • Your home address
  • A work number for mom or dad or both
  • How to speak into the phone

Practice Makes Perfect

You can unplug your phone and do a pretend 911 demonstration to allow your kids to rehearse what they might say in a real emergency. Making a game of it makes it seem less scary.

If 911 Is Dialed Accidentally

Don’t hang up. Speak with the call taker and explain that it was an accident. The call taker will need to follow up with you, including taking down your information (name, address) and in the case of the OPP an officer gets sent around just to ensure everything’s okay, even if it is a mistake.

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