Boy Beaten Unconscious Over iPod

The iPod is not only the must have status symbol among kids these days, it’s also something else – a target for thieves.

The latest case has resulted in a hospital stay for one youngster and the hunt for what’s believed to be three young offenders.

A 14-year-old boy was one of about 200 teens hanging out an Ajax Plaza on Rossland Road Monday afternoon, when several other young males noticed he was listening to some tunes on his MP3 player.


They ganged up on the youth and demanded he hand it over to them. Completely outnumbered, he had no choice but to surrender the machine. That should have been the end of it.

It wasn’t.

After they got the device, the group then began kicking and beating the terrified teen in the face until he finally passed out. He was taken to Rouge Valley Hospital where he received medical treatment and remains under observation for a concussion.

The victim doesn’t know his assailants but cops are anxious to catch them before they set their sights on anyone else.

The wanted youth are described as:





Cops have seen an escalating crime rate over the theft of iPods in the last few months and years, and many security experts advise owners to replace the telltale white headphones with other brands to discourage thieves.

If you think you know the cowardly culprits behind this crime, call (905) 579-1520 ext. 2528.