Raptors To Stare Down History, Face Vince Carter In Playoffs

He’s back.

Sure, a lot of time has passed since Vince Carter was a Raptor, and a lot’s changed along the way. Toronto’s gone from league-wide laughing stock to one of the Eastern Conference’s top teams, and Carter’s continued his half-highlight reel, half-whiner act with his current team in New Jersey.

He’s also made several visits to the now unfriendly confines of the Air Canada Centre in the last two seasons, and even thrown a few daggers into the hearts of Raptors fans in the process.


But that’s all history, and starting Saturday at the ACC, the Raptors have a golden opportunity to open a brilliant new chapter in the franchise’s story, and exorcise a few lingering demons at the same time.

Suffice to say, they’re excited.

“It’s going to be crazy in here come Saturday,” admitted Morris Peterson, the longest serving Raptor and the only one who was there the last time the team reached the second season.

“I remember our last playoff run in 2002, and I can only imagine how it’s going to be now.”

After arguably their best in a 12-season history, Toronto makes its fourth playoff appearance as the East’s third seed in a Saturday matinee against Vince, Jason Kidd, Richard Jefferson and the rest of the New Jersey Nets.

The divisional rivalry should make for a great best-of-seven series, and offers plenty of story lines for the team’s suddenly rabid fan base to sink its collective teeth into.


First and foremost, there’s Vince.

If the Raptors win, it’s vindication time for Toronto as they match their previous playoff best with a second-round appearance and dispatch public enemy number one. It would mark a right of passage, a graduation of sorts.

Of course if New Jersey — the East’s six seed — wins, the Vinsanity will return along with the sting of disappointments past, and the cycle of hatred towards the team’s former superstar will grow unabated.

But either way, for better or worse, Vince will be the early focus of the series, much to the chagrin of NBA coach of the year candidate and Raptors’ bench boss Sam Mitchell.

“Unless Vince is going to get on an airplane, leave his teammates in New Jersey and come walk on the court and play five against one, then that would be a news story,” Mitchell said.


“If they’re going to do that, I love our chances, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

“We’re going to have to beat the New Jersey Nets.”

Here’s the Raptors’ schedule for their first round best-of-seven series against the New Jersey Nets.

Saturday, April 21 @ Toronto – 12:30pm

Tuesday, April 24 @ Toronto – 7pm


Friday, April 27 @ New Jersey – 7pm

Sunday, April 29 @ New Jersey – 7:30pm

Tuesday, May 1 @ Toronto (If necessary, TBA)

Friday, April 4 @ New Jersey (If necessary, TBA)

Sunday, April 6 @ Toronto (If necessary, TBA)