Rob Ford issues Ice Bucket Challenge to Jimmy Kimmel, Wynne, Harper

Rob Ford completed the Ice Bucket Challenge with a little help from a former Maple Leafs enforcer.

The mayor of Toronto was challenged to the frigid feat by Tie Domi, who was on hand in the video posted to YouTube on Saturday.

Domi, along with the mayor’s brother, Coun. Doug Ford, helped dump the bucket of ice and water over the city’s chief magistrate.


After enduring the chilly challenge – a way to raise awareness and cash for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – Mayor Ford issued challenges to three others: late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

The icy initiative began when former Boston College baseball captain Pete Frates was diagnosed with ALS at 27 in 2012. He’s been a tireless advocate, and the ice water idea started as a dare to his buddies.

Since then several prominent athletes have accepted the challenge, including Montreal Canadiens star defenceman, and Toronto native, P.K. Subban.

Subban did the challenge live on CityNews at Six, and had a dump truck pour water and 60 bags of ice onto his head.