Man who police say recorded Ford ‘crack video’ sentenced to 8 years on gun, drug charges

The man believed to have secretly recorded former mayor Rob Ford smoking what appeared to be crack cocaine has been sentenced to eight years in prison on gun and drug trafficking charges, but will only serve another four years and 10 months after being credited with time served.

Mohamed Siad was one of dozens rounded up as part of Project Traveller — the June 2013 raids that targeted the Dixon City Bloods. He’s been in custody ever since.

Police say the Etobicoke-based gang was involved in an intricate criminal enterprise that saw them smuggle guns over the Detroit-Windsor border for resale in Toronto.


On Monday Siad, 29, pleaded guilty to five charges.

The Crown was seeking a 10-year sentence while the defence sought seven years.

The judge called gun deaths a “plague in our city” and said Siad’s sentence would have been significantly higher if he hadn’t pleaded guilty.

The infamous ‘crack video’ was retrieved during the raids, setting off a chain of events that saw Ford embroiled in controversy.

Ford’s former friend and occasional driver Sandro Lisi was charged with extortion for allegedly issuing threats in an attempt to retrieve the video.


Siad, and another man, Liban Siyad, were the two original victims of Lisi’s alleged efforts to recover the damning video.

Lisi’s charges pertaining to Siad were dropped but he still faces an extortion charge, and will stand trial, related to Siyad.