Eligible Ontario homeowners to get smart thermostats under new program

Eligible Ontario homeowners will be able to get smart thermostats for free under a new government program.

Environment Minister Chris Ballard announced Wednesday that $377 million in proceeds from Ontario’s cap-and-trade auctions this year will be used to establish a Green Ontario Fund.

That not-for-profit provincial agency will oversee programs and rebates for homes and businesses to reduce energy costs.


Part of that will be the GreenON Installations program, under which eligible households can register to have a technician visit and install a smart thermostat at no cost. The province says 100,000 smart thermostats will be available under the program.

Smart thermostats are connected to the internet and adjust themselves automatically and can be programmed and adjusted through smartphones.


Owners and renters of detached and semi-detached homes, townhouses and row houses can register through the Green Ontario Fund website, though renters must have their landlords’ permission.

Registration opened Wednesday with installations starting in the fall on a first-come, first-serve basis. At one point, the website crashed.


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