De Villa warns of upward climb as percentage of positive COVID-19 cases grows in Toronto

By Lucas Casaletto

Toronto’s medical officer of health says there has been an upward climb in the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases in the City.

Speaking on Wednesday, Eileen de Villa warned that the steady increase is not over, especially when she looks at the virus’ renewed outbreak in other countries.

“Our percent positivity figure in Toronto is up. Today, our percent positivity figure for Toronto is 4.4 percent and has increased 1.3 percent since I spoke with you on Monday, when it was 3.1 percent,” she said.

“The figure could yet change because we find data for the most recent week can be incomplete. But I feel comfortable saying I have no basis to expect it will fall 1.3, and that I am concerned that it’s upward climb is not over.”



De Villa compared Toronto to the United States, saying daily cases reached 70,000 for the first time since July.

She says Ireland also started a national lockdown for six weeks after reporting a spike in cases, with de Villa saying that it’s estimated that around 150,000 people in Ireland could lose their jobs in a matter of days.

And in Spain, with the country becoming the first Western European nation to exceed 1 million COVID-19 infections, doubling its tally in just six weeks.

RELATED: Toronto releases new data revealing where this virus could be headed

“If it [coronavirus] had the capacity to want, COVID-19 would want us exactly where we are right now: Tired, frustrated, and worn out with living like this,” de Villa said.

“I am just like you. I am tired of living like this as everyone else. But, it’s my job not to be, so I am not giving up on getting this right and I am not giving up on you.”

Toronto continues to report daily COVID-19 cases in the 300 range, with 321 confirmed today compared to 327 new infections reported on Tuesday.

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