Vaccine Hunters Canada announces it’s shutting down operations

Vaccine Hunters Canada has announced it’s shutting down its operations after helping thousands of people across the country get vaccinated this past year.

The volunteer-run organization is known for sharing where Canadians could find a first, second, and booster dose in each province on its social media pages daily.

Last April, the group also partnered with the City of Toronto in its efforts to get as many residents vaccinated.

On the Vaccine Hunters Canada About Us page, it says founder, Andrew Young, was inspired by the U.S. site when he was trying to book vaccine appointments for his parents in Ontario — then bought the domain name on March 19th of last year.

In a release posted online Saturday, the team wrote, “what started as one person looking for a COVID-19 vaccine for their loved ones blossomed into a 100-person operation of caring volunteers helping people across Canada.”

RELATED: Vaccine Hunters Canada halt social media posts, pivot to self-serve tools

“While Canada’s fight against COVID-19 isn’t over, we are happy that millions of Canadians are fully vaccinated with vaccines now being readily available for anyone who is looking,” the release continued.

According to Health Canada, the latest data posted on March 18th shows more than 85 per cent of Canadians five years of age and older are fully vaccinated.

The team said the announcement also comes exactly one year to the day Vaccine Hunters Canada started operations.

They went on to thank everyone for the support they received over the past 12 months.

“The heart behind VHC is helping your community and finding ways to help others. We hope that everyone can find ways to work with their neighbours, communities and families to make this world a better place,” they wrote.

“Sending much love from coast to coast to coast.”

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