Large pothole forces closure of left lane on eastbound Hwy. 401 collectors, some vehicles damaged

Posted April 30, 2024 6:44 am.
Last Updated April 30, 2024 8:50 am.
A large pothole damaged several vehicles on Tuesday morning, forcing the left lane closure on the eastbound 401 collectors just east of Yonge Street.
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) tells 680 News Radio Toronto that more than a dozen vehicles may have hit the pothole, resulting in flat and deflated tires.
Traffic spotters phoned 680 News Radio Toronto and described the scene during Tuesday’s morning commute.
“It looks like there’s a whole bunch of flat tires,” one caller said. “Highway 401 eastbound before Bayview Avenue in the collectors’ lane. I counted at least eight vehicles on both shoulders with flat tires. There might be debris on the road.”
“There are people standing on the highway,” another traffic spotter said. “There is some traffic still getting through, but it’s still bad in the area.”
No injuries have been reported, and tow trucks have begun to arrive to assist.