Cops Issue Composite Of Violent Sex Attacker

Toronto Police have released a composite sketch of a man they say terrorized two women during a pair of brazen and violent sex attacks in the city earlier this month.

The first incident took place June 4th as a 41-year-old was jogging through a park near Scarlett Road and Eglinton Ave. West.

As she went on her run, a man suddenly emerged from the shadows, intercepted her, indicated he had a gun, then dragged her into the bushes and sexually assaulted her. 


Two days later, he was back, this time at the crack of dawn. As a 32-year-old woman walked toward her bus stop along the still quiet streets near Finch and Islington Ave. around 5:30am, a suspect silently approached her from behind, dragged her into a nearby park, told her he had a weapon, and attacked her. 

Cops have set up a special team to track the culprit, and they believe it’s the same man in both cases.

“There’s a lot of similarities,” confirms Det. Brian Smith. “In…both instances, the suspect indicated he had a gun. The descriptions are similar. Also some of the verbiage between the two attacks were similar. Both were early in the morning. Both were along the Humber Trail. [In] both, a handgun was indicated but it wasn’t seen.”

The nature of the attacks has also disturbed investigators.

 “They were violent,” Smith points out. “Both of the women did attend hospital but they were released that day, so it wasn’t as an extreme level of violence, including broken bones and that sort of thing. But I mean these women, they had ear phones on, listening to music, and unaware of their surroundings, and one was jogging, one was walking. Just caught totally off guard, just dragged into the bush.”


The suspect pictured is the man from the later assault, but cops contend both women gave similar descriptions.

He’s said to be:

He was wearing a grey baseball hat with a metal plate logo, a baggy black T-shirt and baggy, grey, faded denim jeans.

The composite shows the man putting that T-shirt around his mouth to disguise his face. But if you think you can unmask him, call the Sex Assault Squad at  (416) 808-7474 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at (416) 222-TIPS.



Halton Police hunt for abductor who assaulted woman at knifepoint