Lindsay Lohan Attending AA Meetings

The 20-year-old actress is often featured on the gossip pages for her heavy partying, but her spokeswoman Leslie Sloane said she has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

Sloane added that doesn’t mean the young star will stop drinking altogether.

“She started attending some, and I think it’s a positive thing,” Sloane said. “My biggest fear is who’s the big idiot to out which (chapter) she goes to.”
“And, by the way, she’s not saying … she’ll stop drinking tomorrow.”
“It’s a place to go and feel safe,” she said. “No one judges her, and it’s going to be a slow process. But, to me, the fact that she’s seeing that there’s something not right makes her smarter than the next person.”

Lohan is currently filming “The Best Time of Our Lives” about the life of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and was recently ridiculed for her reaction to the death of legendary director Robert Altman, who she worked with on “A Prairie Home Companion”.

Upon learning of Altman’s death last week, the actress issued a statement reportedly written on the fly and sent via her Blackberry. The statement was criticized for the number of grammatical errors and misspellings. She ended by writing “BE ADEQUITE,” and some allege she exploited Altman’s death for her own publicity purposes.

A Los Angeles Times columnist called the rambling letter “alarmingly incoherent” and suggested Altman may have found it “comedic”.

Sloane said she is fed up with the media constantly targeting her client.

 “I want everyone to leave her the hell alone,” she said. “I’m so bored of this with her. No matter what she does, it’s never good enough for everybody.”

Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images

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