CityNews Cleans Up At RTNDA Awards, Gord Martineau Honoured
Posted April 28, 2007 12:00 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
Some movers and shakers in the news business were being honoured Saturday night, and while we don’t like to brag, we hardly went unnoticed.
CityNews was proud to receive the honour of Best Newscast in a large market at the Radio and Television News Director’s Association Awards, and we also took home one for our 2006 coverage of the municipal election.
“There are over 250 people that work in the newsroom at Citytv, this award is theirs,” said CityNews anchor Gord Martineau.
“For a producer, producing an election is probably the most fun you could have,” said Tina Cortese, Director of News for Citytv and CP24.
But while all 250-plus of us are very proud of those, perhaps our favourite moment was when Gord received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his more than 40 years of news service.
“I’m a lucky guy,” Martineau said upon receiving his award.
“There are millions of people that go to work everyday who dread the thought of going to their jobs, I don’t … I’ve always enjoyed it, and it’s always been that way.”
The four decades of journalistic excellence include 30 at Citytv, and the man at the centre of the CityNews family has delivered time and time again.
“We were delighted to give Gord this award,” said RTNDA President Robert McLaughlin.
“He joins a very exclusive club and his career was, and has been and is outstanding.”
Several of Martineau’s co-workers were in attendance, and they wasted no time seconding McLaughlin’s feelings.
“He was always a great teacher and mentor for those of us who came in after Gord,” said longtime Citytv personality and CityNews anchor Anne Mroczkowski.
“It’s a tremendous honour, but it’s so well-deserved.”
Anne put together a video looking back at all of Gord’s successes, and we surprised him with it during Friday’s newscast.
Sure, Gord got emotional on air, but after all those friends, moments, stories, challenges and triumphs, wouldn’t you?
“When you see 30 years of your life portrayed in a few minutes and you realize the things that you were involved in in a broadcast sense and in a personal sense, it really gets to your emotions,” Gord admits.
For a look at the tribute video and more on Martineau’s career including a photo gallery of Gord over the years, click here.