Miller Endorses Pantalone

As expected, outgoing Mayor David Miller officially endorsed candidate Joe Pantalone on Wednesday.

The announcement was made at 11am at 1921 Eglinton Avenue East.

“I’ve watched the mayor’s race with incredible frustration and distress,” Miller said. “I’ve seen candidates who want to tear this city down. We are here at a centre for people who have chosen this city as the best place to live, and there is only one candidate prepared to face the challenges which face them. That is Joe Pantalone.”

His rivals however, weren’t concerned that Miller’s backing would give Pantalone a timely boost.

“I think that an endorsement from Mayor Miller is in a certain sense unhelpful,” said Smitherman on Tuesday night.  “If Mayor Miller was popular he would be a candidate in this race.”

Rocco Rossi agreed.

“Part of the reason this is an election about change is the dissatisfaction of people with the Miller administration,” he said.

Rob Ford was also unconcerned.

“I think people look at the person and they look at the history, I don’t think (Miller’s endorsement) plays that big of a role.”

“They are both the same,” he said of Miller and Pantalone.  “They like to tax, tax, tax, and spend, spend, spend.  All I can do is encourage people to go out and vote.”

A former Pantalone supporter, Councillor Joe Mihevc, officially announced Wednesday that he is endorsing George Smitherman.

“I have to put aside my personal friendships and loyalties and look to the greater good for the city of Toronto and that’s what I’ve done with my decision,” Mihevc said.

Mihevc says Pantalone would make a good mayor, but is urging people to vote strategically to stop Rob Ford from becoming mayor.

“Joe has figured out that in this election a vote for Pantalone is a vote for Rob Ford,” Smitherman said.

For John Tory’s take on the race, click here.

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