Inside 680News: Richard Southern

1. What’s the most memorable news story you’ve covered?
August 2008: I was anchoring our overnight news when the Sunrise Propane facility at Keele and Wilson avenues blew up shaking our newsroom at the other end of the city. I was the first reporter on the scene and was shocked by the devastation. It’s the one story I will never forget.

2. What are your hobbies?
love baseball and my Blue Jays even if they do disappoint me every year. Nothing beats a hot summer evening at the Jays game.

3. Favourite place (country, city) visited and why?
My family is from Ireland and I have been lucky enough to travel across the country several times. I’m always struck by the beautiful landscapes, friendly people and of course the cozy pubs!

4. What would your last meal on earth be?
Tough one … anything off the menu at the Black Hoof restaurant in Toronto, a smoked meat sandwich from Schwartz’s deli in Montreal or seafood anything would do the trick.

5. If you were stuck on an island, what are the three things you want with you?
BlackBerry, radio, and sunscreen.

6. If you’d have another career, what would it be?
Have never wanted to do anything other than news but I’m an aviation buff and would love to be a commercial airline pilot.

7. Do you like/drink coffee or tea?
Coffee, and lots of it.

8. What you like about 680News?
I truly love that its always live, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s like the neighbor convenience store that you know you can always relay on for milk for coffee, even if its 2 a.m. on Christmas morning.

9. How long have you been with 680News/Rogers?
Little over five years.

10. What city were you born in?
Right here in Toronto, Ont.

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