Telegram service still in demand in Canada

TORONTO – Many Canadians would be surprised to learn that in this digital age of email and instant messaging you can still send an old-fashioned telegram.

Colin Stone is the owner of Telegrams Canada.

He says demand for the old-school service is steady, with about 20,000 messages being sent through his company each year.

But it’s not cheap to send a telegram.

A traceable telegram of up to 100 words can be sent to someone in Canada or the U.S. by regular mail for $18.95.

A hand-delivered telegram with faster delivery sent within Canada or to many other countries around the world is $24.95 plus 99 cents per word.

For some countries it’s $44.95 to start and 99 cents per word to send a telegram there.

Stone says receiving a telegram is still fairly common in some European countries, where they’re often sent to announce marriages and deaths.

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