Syracuse teen returning to Toronto for lost (and found) car

By News Staff

We’ve all been to concerts and lost something — phone, lighter, your ticket. But what about your car?

Gavin Strickland, 19, drove up from Syracuse to Toronto for Sunday’s Metallica concert. He says after the concert ended, sheer terror hit him – he couldn’t remember where he had parked his blue-green Nissan Versa Note sedan.

Thankfully, as of Thursday morning, the car was found.

But before the discovery, Strickland recalled he parked it on the first floor of an underground garage and within an $8 cab ride to the Rogers Centre.

Strickland’s parents took to Craigslist to help in the search. Their ad reads in part, “Our doofy son parked the car in an indoor parking garage, in the first floor (slightly lower / basement level) but that garage cannot be located … Please respond with photos of the car and specific location instructions.”

The only clues they could share was the garage was near a Starbucks, some construction, a strange spiral statue and a bank, possibly an RBC branch. They also noted the car has Florida licence plates, a small Canadian flag affixed to the door frame, and a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.

The car was found at 66 Wellington St. W., steps from Jump restaurant, which has a statue of a spring outside.

Before it was found, Gavin didn’t seem too broken up about the missing car. He was apparently at a Korn concert in Syracuse on Wednesday night. His parents say he took an Uber to get there.

A missing Nissan Versa was found after a man drove it from Syracuse to Toronto for a concert, but forgot where he parked. CRAIGSLIST

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