‘The 179 Days of Christmas’ could be longest carol ever
Posted December 21, 2018 12:33 pm.
Last Updated December 21, 2018 6:54 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
Most carolers are up to a rendition of The 12 Days of Christmas, but how about The 179 Days of Christmas? Toronto musician AJ Ing and illustrator Joren Cull have recorded what they say is the longest Christmas carol ever.
Singing about all 179 days takes nine hours, and would kick off the countdown to Christmas on July 5.
Some of the gifts on the list may not be things you’d like to receive, however. The song starts with the classic “partridge in a pear tree” on day 1, but also includes “35 dreams that crumbled,” “70 unpaid interns” and “132 darts with no dart board.” Still, there are “101 golden retrievers” to see you through.
Here’s a sample of the lyrics.
On the 179th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
179 ???
178 stocking stuffers
177 seashells by the seashore
176 treats from Costco
175 people who think they’re waiting for the subway
174 segassem desrever
173 tickets to the air show
172 financial advisors
171 trips to Coney Island
170 people with a podcast
169 haha
168 wheels on a big rig
167 McDonald’s employees who think they’re from the future
166 deadly snake bites
165 keys to the city
164 degrees of separation
163 chickens with their heads cut off
162 Angelina Jolie children
161 unmarked tombstones
160 parades for odd holidays
Listen to the full carol below. *WARNING: contains language some may find offensive.*