TTC bus extensively damaged in wrong-way station accident

The TTC is investigating after one of its buses suffered extensive damage when it entered an area usually reserved for passenger cars and pedestrians.

The incident happened around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday night at Warden station when the bus got wedged in the tunnel area, shearing off the top portion of the vehicle.

Tasnuva Ahmad, who was at the station picking someone up at the time, called the incident “scary.”


“It’s a pretty jarring thing to see,” Ahmad tells CityNews. “There are a lot of passengers that walk back and forth in this area. You don’t expect to see a bus in this area.”

TTC spokesperson Stuart Green says two passengers on the bus were uninjured and the station itself suffered no structural damage.

“That’s an area that is intended for passengers, for drop off and pick up. Somehow the bus ended up in there,” said Green. “Not sure how it happened but we are looking into it.”