Fire, explosion in Los Angeles injures 11 firefighters

Posted May 16, 2020 10:51 pm.
Last Updated May 16, 2020 11:49 pm.
An explosion in downtown Los Angeles injured 11 firefighters Saturday as more than 200 others rushed to the scene as the flames spread to several buildings.
News helicopters showed dozens of fire trucks at the scene. As firefighters aimed hoses at the long-slung building where the explosion occurred, others could be seen standing next to gurneys that had been readied for the injured.
Firefighters were initially called to East Boyle Street around 6:30 p.m. for a report of a fire at a one-story commercial building. Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Nicholas Prange said the firefighters entered the building, and there was nothing unusual until the explosion occurred.
“Firefighters found smoke coming from a one-story commercial building and engaged in an aggressive fire attack in the offensive mode,” Prange said in an update.
“Firefighters made entry to chase the seat of the fire, when a significant explosion occured. Tragically, 11 firefighters with burn and other injuries.”
The severity of the injuries was not revealed.
The department issued a “mayday” call and characterized the incident as a “major emergency.” By about 7:15 p.m. the fire appeared largely under control.
Prange said the building was home to Smoke Tokes Wholesale Distributor, reportedly a supplier for those who make butane honey oil.
Smoke is continuing to plume. Firefighters at scene. Ash/large debris is still falling blocks away.
— sean miura (@seanmiura) May 17, 2020