Automated speed cameras switched on in Mississauga
Posted July 5, 2021 2:30 pm.
Motorists in Mississauga are catching up with those in much of the rest of the Greater Toronto Area.
The city flicked the switch on two Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) cameras Monday.
They’re located at Morningstar Drive between Lancaster Avenue and Netherwood Road and Sawmill Valley Drive between Folkway Avenue and Grosvernor Place.
Mayor Bonnie Crombie released a video message for drivers in her city asking people to be cognizant of speed limits.
“If you’re driving in Mississauga, please do your part to keep all road users safe and obey the speed limit. The good news is if you obey the law and follow the speed limit, there’s no need to worry, you will not receive a ticket.”
The two cameras will rotate monthly to new locations in school area community safety zones where the City of Mississauga and Peel Regional Police say speeding is a consistent problem.
Twenty additional ASE cameras will be rolled out across the city later this year with signs posted in each spot to let drivers know they exist.
Mississauga is one of the last communities in the GTA to adopt the use of the cameras.
Crombie says speeding is a serious problem in her city with Peel Police issuing more than 8,000 tickets last year.