Trudeau featured in new Liberal ad campaign ahead of expected election call

By The Canadian Press and News Staff

The Liberal Party has launched a new advertising campaign featuring Prime Minister Justin Trudeau one day ahead of the expected launch of a federal election.

The English-language ad, titled “relentless,” highlights shots of Trudeau engaging with Canadians before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The French-language ad, titled “solidarity,” shows the Liberal leader talking about the resilience of Canadians during the pandemic and his government’s work to support them.

The party says Canadians will see the ads on TV later this week.

The Conservatives have not yet unveiled their election ad campaign.

However, they did post an attack ad on its Twitter page, titled “The only reason for an election is because Trudeau wants a majority.” The video features a clip from the 1971 film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” in which a cut-out of Justin Trudeau’s head is superimposed on the body of the character Veruca Salt. Critics, including some within the PC party, mocked the video for its amateurish production and for portraying Trudeau as a whiny girl.

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole made a few campaign-style promises last week about creating more job opportunities and supporting innovation.

New Democrat Leader Jagmeet Singh issued a blueprint for the party’s election platform on Thursday, promising universal pharmacare and dental care, a $20 minimum wage and student debt cancellation among other pledges.

Trudeau is widely expected to trigger an election on Sunday by asking Gov. Gen. Mary Simon to dissolve Parliament.

A senior Liberal Party source previously confirmed the prime minister’s plan to visit Simon, with the election expected to take place on Sept. 20.

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