Ontario’s top doc says maskless indoor gatherings OK for fully vaxxed

It looks like it’s going to be a much better Thanksgiving than last year, sans masks and social distancing — at least for those who are fully vaccinated.

Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore said during a press conference Tuesday that public health recommendations for indoor gatherings of fully vaccinated individuals will be relaxed ahead of the long weekend.

If you’re having family and friends over and all attending are fully vaccinated, you can remove your masks if you’re comfortable doing so.


“That would be absolutely appropriate in a fully vaccinated group,” said Dr. Moore.

Moore cautioned that the gathering limits of 100 outdoors and 25 indoors should still be adhered to, calling them “reasonable and safe numbers.”

For a mixed group of people comprising of both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, Dr. Moore suggested considering keeping your masks on both outdoors and indoors, especially for those who may be vulnerable to COVID-19.

He also suggested that screening for any symptoms of COVID-19 before gathering with family and friends would be prudent. If you have symptoms, it is strongly recommended that you get tested and know the results before you attend.

“Every long weekend like this, especially Thanksgiving where it’s a social event, where we have families getting together, we want to minimize the spread,” he said. “We want families to embrace the opportunity to get back together for their mental, physical and social wellbeing.”


A full list of recommendations for Thanksgiving and Halloween is expected on Thursday.