Speakers Corner: Submit your stories and video

Speakers Corner. The name itself brings back a flood of memories: The Barenaked Ladies, Mike Myers, The Devil’s Advocates, the impromptu marriage proposals, rants and raves, songs and skits.
It was social media, before social media. A place where your voice mattered.
It still does.
And now, we’re expanding the ways you can be heard. Have a question you want answered? Submit it below, and let us ask it for you. Got a video you want to share? Let’s see it!
The little booth on Queen Street West may be gone, but Speaker’s Corner was never about a booth. It was about connecting and sharing.
See all Speakers Corner articles and videos here.
Submit your story and/or video below. You can also share your story and/or video via social media using the hashtag #SpeakersCorner.