Miserable, wet start to May to give way to weekend sunshine

The wet, gloomy weather is going to stick around for a few more days. Cloudy with rain showers at least through Wednesday as temperatures struggle to reach double-digit highs.

It’s not an ideal start for May weather in the GTA as ‘April Showers’ are extending into the first week of the new month.

It will be cool and unsettled almost every day this week with no relief in sight until Friday. Temperatures will remain well below seasonal and showers are expected Monday through Thursday.

“It’s a stalled out front and it just means more showers and more showers,” says CityNews meteorologist Jill Taylor.

Monday’s guaranteed high is 10 C and will be accompanied by showers and wind gusts of up to 50 km/hr. Tuesday is expected to be the coolest day of the week with a high near 8 C and more rain.

Things will warm up slightly for the remainder of the week with daytime highs hovering just above 10 C for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. There is a chance of more showers on Wednesday and Thursday.

“Conditions improve as we get towards the end of the week,” Taylor says. “We may even get some sunshine Thursday and Friday.”

There is some light at the end of the tunnel. Save your outdoor plans until the weekend with sunshine expected and highs near 20 C.

“The weekend looks good, should be a nice one with plenty of sunshine.”

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