Saskatchewan Kids Given Grey Cup Dream

Thousands of Saskatchewan Roughriders fans made the trip to Ontario for their team’s appearance in the Grey Cup Sunday, but it’s unlikely many appreciated the visit more than a plane load of young people on the surprise trip of a lifetime.

Jennifer Coch and her sister Jessica (pictured) were just two in the group, each planning to cheer the loudest for their local club.

“I just had surgery not too long ago so it’s very lucky that I could still come here,” Jennifer said.

The 10 kids taking the trip are all battling cancer, which is why they were given an all-expenses paid trip to Canada ‘s biggest football game thanks to some very generous fans.

“I just thank everybody from the whole community of Saskatchewan for actually sending the kids,” said parent Nicole Armstrong.

The youngsters and their families have enjoyed a whirlwind visit since finding out they were headed to Hog Town on Thursday. Since coming to T.O. they’ve gotten the royal treatment including a trip up the CN Tower and much, much more.

“Yesterday we went to the field and we got to meet the Riders which was amazing,” Jessica Coch said. They even stopped by the CityNews newsroom for a quick tour Sunday before the game.

Many of the children still have a long battle ahead to get healthy, but on Sunday all their efforts were clearly focused on helping the Riders capture their first Grey Cup in almost two decades.

“It’s just been phenomenal, these kids are having the time of their life,” said organizer Kelly Sherman.

“Cancer touches so many people and these kids are having such a fantastic time … they’re inspiring a football team that’s probably going to play the most important game of their careers.”

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