Locals Work To Help Typhoon Victims

The Filipino community in the G.T.A. is rallying to help survivors of the deadly Typhoon Durian .

It was via text message that Torontonian Joseph Redoblado found out that his brother in the Philippines survived the disaster, which has claimed hundreds of lives.

That prompted Joseph and other Filipinos to start up the Bicol Disaster Relief Fund.

A group of Torontonians is also flying to the area to help with relief efforts on the ground.

They are part of a group called Global Medic and they’ll be bringing water purification units in the hope of bringing clean drinking water to 75,000 people.

“A lot of the roads have become about knocked out. The first challenge is to get the hospital up and running and get water out to people,” explains E.M.S. volunteer Rahul Singh.

The community hopes to raise $100,000 before the weekend.

If you want to help you can make a donation to:

Bicol Disaster Relief Fund

CIBC: Transit # 01732

Account # 50-058-17

Website – http://www.bicolcanada.org

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