GO Transit Running Smoothly On First Workday Since CN Strike Began

GO Transit appears to be running normally on the first workday since nearly 3,000 CN employees walked off the job.

One train – a 7:05am Oakville-Toronto trip – was cancelled because of apparent equipment problems but there’s no indication it had anything to do with the labour action.

The 2,800 rail employees went on strike Saturday over pay, pensions and working conditions – but they did so with the promise that they’d keep the commuter service running.

About 100 CN workers staff GO trains and an agreement was put in place before they walked off the job in order to keep the trains on track.

CN employees say disrupting GO trains is not part of their plan.

“We have agreed to man the GO train. We have signed a deal with them,” said CN striker Mike Vestrosi. “Our issue is not with GO Transit. Our issue is with CN. We are not going to stop the commuters getting into work.”

The rail company is asking the Federal Labour Board for a back-to-work order, contending the strike is illegal.
“The company makes an exorbitant amount of money,” complains Doug Harasymiw, who’s been with CN 35 years. “They treat us like garbage, like we don’t exist.”

A clause exists in the agreement that would allow the union to pull GO service, but they have to give 72 hours notice in order to give riders adequate warning.

“The only alternative for me would be to rely on TTC,” explained rider Julia Goulbourne. “Aside from that, I would have to drive into work and pay the astronomical parking costs in the city, or call in sick, or go on vacation.”

“It’s not good. It’s not good. Disrupts my life,” admitted Wanda Szajnocaj. “I take the GO train in. I go to the gym. Saves me time. Saves me money. Yeah, it’s not good.”

GO Transit carries 142,000 riders a day.

For GO Transit schedules and CN strike updates, click here.

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