Brampton’s mayor in hospital for knee replacement surgery

TORONTO, Ont. – She’s a tough person to slow down, however, double knee replacement surgery will keep the mayor of the GTA’s third largest city on the sidelines for at least a month.

Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell was admitted to a Toronto hospital Thursday morning. One knee was scheduled to be replaced Thursday, while the other is set to be replaced next week.

The mayor’s chief of staff Ian Newman told 680News the former university basketball player had been living with pain for two years.

“I believe that it came to the point where Mayor Fennell actually realized that this was the time. I always joke to keep up with Mayor Fennell I need a pair of roller skates because she is constantly on the go, so for Mayor Fennell to finally say it’s time, I believe that she made the right decision,” Newman said.

It’s not known exactly how long she’ll be out of commission, but she will be kept informed as to what is happening in the city, that she has led since 2000, while she’s on the mend.

“We will assess the situation as Mayor Fennell finishes both knees. Mayor Fennell is a tough person to keep down so she said she’s going to come back as quick as she can and we’ve made some arrangements for her to return early for modified work,” Newman explained.

Newman said Fennel’s spirits were great heading into surgery Thursday, and she is grateful for all the emails and supportive phone calls from the people of Brampton. He said his boss loves her BlackBerry and emailed him prior to the surgery asking him to keep her apprised of what’s going on.

“I told her no BlackBerry messages today, let’s get you through today, let’s worry about next week as well.”

Regional Coun. Sandra Hames will fill in as acting mayor for the month of April. Meanwhile, regional Coun. Gael Miles will take over in May, if necessary.

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