RCMP seek Terrorism Peace Bond against woman previously convicted in Canadian Tire terror attack

Posted July 21, 2023 10:53 pm.
Last Updated July 21, 2023 11:23 pm.
A woman found guilty four years ago on terrorism charges following an attack at an east-end Canadian Tire store has once again been arrested.
RCMP say Rehab Dughmosh appeared for a bail hearing via videoconference Friday where she agreed to a number of conditions and was later released until her next scheduled court date on July 27 in Toronto.
No details have been released about what led to her latest arrest except that she was picked up following an investigation by the RCMP Federal Policing Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, whose role is to “prevent individuals from engaging in terrorist criminal activity.”
In a statement released Friday night, the RCMP said it had applied for a Terrorism Peace Bond against Dughmosh “out of concern for public safety.”
This type of peace bond means that there are reasonable grounds to fear that a person may commit a terrorism offence. Typically terrorism peace bonds remain in effect for one year.
In February 2019, Dughmosh was found guilty of four terrorism charges for a June 2017 attack against workers at a Scarborough Canadian Tire store using a golf club and a butcher’s knife while draped in an ISIL banner and for trying to travel to Syria to join the terrorist organization the year before.
At the time of sentencing, Justice Maureen Forestell cited Dughmosh’s mental illness, likely schizophrenia, as playing a central role in her crimes, saying it rendered her “vulnerable to extremist beliefs.”
“That continued support for ISIS, even though it is related to her illness, may make Ms. Dughmosh dangerous to the public,” the judge said.