Why is Canada updating its emergency nuclear protocols?

Posted July 25, 2023 8:14 am.
In today’s Big Story Podcast, last week, we learned Canada’s emergency protocols in response to a nuclear threat have been updated. At least part of the reason for the update is due to Russia gaining control of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant.
The emergency plans cover everything from trying to protect Canadians overseas who may be impacted by an accident, to more classified documents working out emergency preparations in the event of nuclear missiles being fired.
Ed Waller is a Professor in the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science at OntarioTechU. He says the government is continuously updating the plan based on threats around the world — but not all threats carry the same weight.
“The difference that we have here … is that we now have a situation in Ukraine where the largest nuclear power plant in Europe has been taken over by an armed military. That’s never happened in the history of the world,” said Waller.
How likely is either the former or latter? What do these plans entail? What would happen should Russia sabotage the plant? And should we really worry about an actual nuclear exchange?
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