Juno the polar bear cub turns 6 months old

Juno, the Toronto Zoo’s polar bear cub, is six months old today.

In a statement posted on Facebook, the zoo said Juno continues to grow into a very independent cub who loves to explore her exhibit and wrestle with any toys wrapped in blankets.

Born on Remembrance Day last year and named after Juno Beach, one of the most successful operations carried out on D-Day by the Canadian Forces, the cub was officially adopted as the live mascot of the Canadian Army.

Juno was one of two cubs delivered by Aurora, one of the zoo’s two female polar bears, in November. The second cub did not survive the first 24 hours.

She’s has been a hit online, with a video of her learning to walk at two months old garnering over 300,000 views on YouTube.

And boy has she grown since then.

Juno the polar bear cub

She now weighs 30.6 kilograms and eats three meals a day.

Juno the polar bear cub

And not to be outdone by Juno’s cuteness, the zoo is reminding people there’s less than a week left to help name the Indian rhino calf.

The options are Nandu, Vihaan or Kaziranga.

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