Canadian pastor Bruxy Cavey placed on leave after alleged sexual misconduct

Posted December 8, 2021 10:11 pm.
One of the country’s most recognizable pastors was placed on leave pending the outcome of an external investigation led by the church he helped mould.
Bruxy Cavey, the teaching pastor at The Meeting House, was accused of sexual misconduct by a woman who brought her allegations to a board of directors.
“Bruxy has now been placed on a leave of absence while an external investigation takes place,” said Executive Chair Maggie John in a recent statement. “We take these allegations very seriously and are committed to a thorough and transparent process. We are praying through this situation.”
Cavey is currently not facing any charges.
The Meeting House has 19 regional sites across the province. They show Cavey’s sermon from the week before at the leading site in Oakville, Ont.
Cavey developed a following through his sermons and his YouTube videos in which he would answer “popular questions about Christianity.” The church’s free sermon resources include podcasts, videos of speeches and various content.
The church is affiliated with Be In Christ, an Anabaptist denomination that commits to peace and non-violence.
On The Meeting House website, Cavey expands on his views of same-sex marriage, telling his followers that the church “holds to a traditional view of marriage as designed by God to unite a man and a woman in a covenant union of love.”
“This also means that we would not affirm someone in leadership who is actively living contrary to our beliefs (e.g., in a same-sex marriage or dating relationship), which is similar to how we approach other issues.”